two trains leave Austin one train going north at 80 mph and one going 60mph how long will it take the two trains to be 420 miles apart?

80 t - 60 t = 420 assuming both going north, which avoids customs at the border

20 t = 420
t = 21 hours

To find out how long it will take for the two trains to be 420 miles apart, we need to calculate the time it takes for the distance between them to be that much.

First, let's determine the combined speed of the two trains. Since one train is going north at 80 mph and the other is going at 60 mph, the total speed is 80 mph + 60 mph = 140 mph.

Next, we divide the total distance (420 miles) by the combined speed (140 mph) to find the time it takes to cover that distance:

Time = Distance / Speed.

Time = 420 miles / 140 mph = 3 hours.

Therefore, it will take the two trains 3 hours to be 420 miles apart.

To calculate this, we used the formula Time = Distance / Speed. This formula is commonly used to find the time taken to cover a specific distance given a constant speed.