The tendency of Congress to defer to the President in foreign policy has at times led to

an American dictatorship.
a plebiscitary presidency.
an imperial presidency.
active-positive presidents

How does your textbook define each of those four terms?

I just read the definitations for these and I think A is the answer plaes let me know if it makes sense

Yes, I think either A or C would make sense.

The tendency of Congress to defer to the President in foreign policy has at times led to an imperial presidency.

To understand why this is the case, let's break it down:

1. The President's role in foreign policy: The President of the United States has significant authority and power when it comes to making decisions and implementing policies related to foreign affairs. This includes negotiation of treaties, international agreements, and deployment of military forces.

2. Congress's role in foreign policy: According to the U.S. Constitution, Congress also has a significant role in foreign policy. It has the power to declare war, approve treaties, provide funding for military operations, and oversee the executive branch's conduct of foreign policy.

3. Deference to the President: In certain situations, Congress may choose to defer or give deferential treatment to the President in matters of foreign policy. This deference can be influenced by various factors, including the perception of the President's expertise, the belief that unity and credibility should be maintained in international relations, or the desire to avoid partisan conflicts over foreign policy.

4. Risks of an imperial presidency: When Congress consistently defers to the President in foreign policy matters without robust oversight or checks, it can contribute to an imperial presidency. An imperial presidency refers to a situation where the President accumulates excessive power and acts independently, sometimes without proper accountability. This can result in a concentration of power in the executive branch, potentially undermining the system of checks and balances envisioned by the Constitution.

It's important to note that an imperial presidency is not a desirable outcome in a democratic system, as it can lead to abuses of power and executive overreach. Therefore, it is essential for Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities and ensure that the President's decisions and actions align with the principles of democratic governance.