consider blue eyes in man as recessive to brown eyes. Show the expected children of a marriage between a blue eyed woman and brown eyed man who had a blue eyed mother

Let b = blue gene and B = brown.

Woman = bb

Man = Bb

To answer whatever questions you have use a Punnett square.

Yes using punnet square or dbm

To determine the expected children of a marriage between a blue-eyed woman and a brown-eyed man who had a blue-eyed mother, we need to consider the genotypes and possible outcomes based on the law of inheritance.

First, let's assign some symbols:
- B for the dominant allele (brown eye color)
- b for the recessive allele (blue eye color)

Given that blue eyes are recessive to brown eyes, we know that a person with brown eyes can either be homozygous (BB) or heterozygous (Bb), whereas a person with blue eyes must be homozygous recessive (bb).

Now, let's consider the genotypes of the parents:
- The blue-eyed woman must be homozygous recessive (bb) since she has blue eyes.
- The brown-eyed man had a blue-eyed mother, which means that he must be heterozygous (Bb) since he has brown eyes.

Using a Punnett square, we can cross the genotypes of the parents to determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children:

| b | b |
Bb | Bb | bb |
Bb | Bb | bb |

The Punnett square above shows that there is a 50% chance for each child to have brown eyes (Bb genotype) and a 50% chance for each child to have blue eyes (bb genotype).

Therefore, the expected children of the marriage between a blue-eyed woman (bb) and a brown-eyed man (Bb) who had a blue-eyed mother could have either brown eyes (Bb genotype) or blue eyes (bb genotype) with an equal chance of inheriting either eye color.