Identify the definition of the word in quotes.

Abby was finally able to "balance" her checkbook, after hours of matching her monthly expenses to her bank statement.

A. to sway
B. to weigh in
C. to move toward and then away
D. to gain agreement



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To identify the definition of the word "balance" in this context, we can begin by looking at the sentence that contains it. In this sentence, Abby is described as having matched her monthly expenses to her bank statement. This suggests that "balance" in this context refers to the act of reconciling or comparing the two sets of financial data to ensure they are in agreement.

To confirm our understanding, we can consult a dictionary. One popular online dictionary defines "balance" as a verb that means to "equal or equalize in weight, number, or proportion; to keep (an account) at a proper level; to reconcile."

From this, we can conclude that, in this context, the definition of "balance" is to gain agreement or bring into agreement. Therefore, the correct answer is D: to gain agreement.