Choose the correct helping verb.

Wir ____ geschlafen.



urggghh im unsure about this :(

Wir haben geschlafen. (past tense)

To determine the correct helping verb in the sentence "Wir ____ geschlafen," we need to consider the structure and meaning of the sentence. The verb used in the sentence is "geschlafen," which is the past participle form of "schlafen" (to sleep).

In German, the verb "schlafen" is conjugated using the helping verb "haben" (to have) in most cases when used in the perfect tense. However, there are some verbs that use the helping verb "sein" (to be) instead of "haben" when forming the perfect tense.

The general rule for determining which helping verb to use is:
- If the verb indicates a change of location or a change in state, then "sein" is used as the helping verb.
- If the verb does not indicate a change of location or a change in state, then "haben" is used as the helping verb.

In the sentence "Wir ____ geschlafen," the verb "geschlafen" does not indicate a change of location or a change in state. Therefore, the correct helping verb is "haben."

Therefore, the correct sentence is:
Wir haben geschlafen.