write an equation that describes each line in slope intercept form.

slope=4, y-intercept=-3

slope=2/5, (10,3) is on the line

slope=4, y-intercept=-3

y = 4x - 3

slope=2/5, (10,3) is on the line

y = mx + b

3 = 2/5(10) + b
3 = 4 + b
3 - 4 = 4 - 4 + b
-1 = b

y = 2/5x - 1

To write an equation in slope-intercept form, you need two pieces of information: the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b).

For the first line, you know that the slope is 4 and the y-intercept is -3. The slope-intercept form of the equation is y = mx + b.

Substituting the given values, the equation becomes y = 4x - 3.

For the second line, you know that the slope is 2/5, and the point (10,3) is on the line. We can use the point-slope form of the equation to find the equation of this line: y - y1 = m(x - x1).

Substituting the given values, the equation becomes y - 3 = (2/5)(x - 10).

Simplifying, we get y - 3 = (2/5)(x - 10). To convert it into slope-intercept form, we can distribute (2/5) to both x and -10, which gives y - 3 = (2/5)x - 4. Rearranging the equation, we have y = (2/5)x - 1.

So, the equations for the given lines in slope-intercept form are:
1. y = 4x - 3
2. y = (2/5)x - 1