Which of the following is an example of primary research?

A Searching the internet for nutritious recipes

B Calling a dietician for information about a low-carb diet

C Reading an interview in a professional journal

D Asking a reference librarian for specific sources of information



That is what I thought thank you.

The correct answer is B) Calling a dietitian for information about a low-carb diet.

Primary research refers to the collection of original data or information directly from firsthand sources. It involves conducting your own investigation or experiment to gather data. In this case, calling a dietitian and obtaining information about a low-carb diet would be considered primary research since you are directly gathering information from an expert in the field.

Let's break down the other options to understand why they are not examples of primary research:

A) Searching the internet for nutritious recipes: This is not an example of primary research because you are not conducting your own investigation or experiment, but rather relying on existing information available on the internet.

C) Reading an interview in a professional journal: This is not an example of primary research because you are gathering information from a secondary source, such as someone else's interview, rather than conducting your own investigation or experiment.

D) Asking a reference librarian for specific sources of information: This is also not an example of primary research because you are seeking information from a secondary source, the librarian, rather than collecting your own data.

Remember, primary research involves collecting original data firsthand.