
5 (x+y+z)

wx + wy



Answer1=5x+5y+5z and Ans2=w(x+y).

To expand the expression 5(x+y+z), we distribute the 5 to each term inside the parentheses:

5(x+y+z) = 5*x + 5*y + 5*z

Simplifying further, we have:

= 5x + 5y + 5z

Now let's move on to factoring the expression wx + wy. We can factor out the common factor w from both terms:

wx + wy = w(x + y)

So, the factored form of wx + wy is w(x + y).

To expand the expression 5(x+y+z), you distribute the 5 to each term inside the parentheses:

5(x+y+z) = 5*x + 5*y + 5*z

This simplifies to:

5x + 5y + 5z

Now let's move on to factoring the expression wx + wy.

In this case, we notice that both terms have the same variables, w and y. We can factor out the common variables:

wx + wy = w(x + y)

So the factored form of the expression is w(x + y).