


1/(7a)^2 = 1/(49a^2)

Do I need parentheses on the whole thing in the last step?

Only if typing

If you are writing then you can do

49 a^2

however 1/49a^2
could be
so parentheses are important when doing fractions with keyboard

To simplify the expression (7a)^-2, we use the exponent rule which states that when a power is raised to a negative exponent, it can be rewritten as the reciprocal of the power raised to the positive exponent.

Step 1: Apply the rule
(7a)^-2 = 1 / (7a)^2

Step 2: Simplify the square
(7a)^2 = 49a^2

Step 3: Substitute the simplified value back into the expression
1 / (7a)^2 = 1 / (49a^2)

Therefore, the simplified form of (7a)^-2 is 1/(49a^2).