1)Why might the US have been concerned early in the war about China's attitude toward US involvenemt on the south side of vietnam?

2) What might have been the effect on the vietnam war if the border of Laos had been closed and N. Vietnam had not been able to operate in the country?

Wow this comment is 10 years later, wonder we’re this person is today

We'll be happy to critique your answers.

i don`t know but i do know that ms. sue is old a f

all you old besides me

To answer the first question, we need to understand the historical context of the Vietnam War. The United States became involved in the war to support South Vietnam against the communist forces from North Vietnam. During this time, China was providing support to North Vietnam, including military aid and assistance. Here's how you can think about why the US might have been concerned about China's attitude towards their involvement in South Vietnam:

1. Research the historical relationship between China and North Vietnam: Understanding the close relationship between China and North Vietnam helps us grasp why the US might have been concerned. China and North Vietnam shared similar communist ideologies and were allies during the war. Therefore, China's attitude towards US involvement in South Vietnam could impact the strength and resilience of North Vietnam's forces.

2. Analyze the geopolitical implications: The US likely considered the implications of China's involvement in the war. China's support for North Vietnam not only increased the military capabilities of the communist forces but also potentially expanded the scope of the conflict. The US may have been worried that if they escalated their involvement in South Vietnam, it could potentially trigger a larger conflict involving China, which could have dire consequences.

3. Consider the domino theory: The US subscribed to the "domino theory," which posited that if one country fell to communism in Southeast Asia, neighboring countries would follow suit. With China backing North Vietnam, the US might have feared that a more significant intervention could lead to a direct confrontation with China, thereby escalating the conflict and potentially facilitating communist expansion.

Now let's move on to the second question and explore the potential effect of closing the Laos border on the Vietnam War:

1. Understand the role of the Ho Chi Minh Trail: The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a network of supply routes used by North Vietnam to transport troops and supplies through Laos and Cambodia to the south. Closing the Laos border would have disrupted this critical logistical support for North Vietnam.

2. Evaluate the impact on North Vietnam's military operations: By closing the Laos border, North Vietnam's ability to directly operate in South Vietnam would have been significantly hampered. The loss of this supply route would have limited their resources, mobility, and reinforcement capabilities. Consequently, South Vietnamese and US forces might have faced less significant resistance and found it easier to maintain control.

3. Analyze the potential for a shorter and more decisive conflict: With the disruption of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the duration of the war might have been shortened. Without the ongoing support from North Vietnam, the communist forces in South Vietnam may have been weakened and potentially faced defeat more quickly.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that closing the Laos border would not have been a simple task and may have come with its own consequences. It could have intensified the conflict in neighboring countries and possibly provoked retaliation from North Vietnam and its allies.