The problem 8^x = 16^x+2 the choices a)8 and b)-8. Help please!

Given that information I want to say the answer is -8 ?

where is the 2. Use parentheses.
Is it 16x+2 or 16x+2

The 2 is part of the exponent.

Take the log of both sides.
log 8x=log 16x+2
x*log 8 = x+2*log 16
solve for x

Perhaps I should have used parentheses, too.
x*log 8 = (x+2)*log 16.

To solve the equation 8^x = 16^(x+2), we need to use logarithms to help simplify the equation and solve for x.

First, let's rewrite the equation with parentheses to make it clear:

8^x = 16^(x+2)

Next, take the logarithm of both sides. It doesn't matter which base of logarithm you choose, as long as it is consistent on both sides of the equation. Let's use the natural logarithm (base e) for this example:

ln(8^x) = ln(16^(x+2))

Using the logarithm property ln(a^b) = b * ln(a), we can simplify the equation further:

x * ln(8) = (x+2) * ln(16)

Now we can distribute the ln(16) term:

x * ln(8) = x * ln(16) + 2 * ln(16)

Notice that both sides have x terms, so we can bring them together:

x * ln(8) - x * ln(16) = 2 * ln(16)

Factoring out the common factor of x gives:

x * (ln(8) - ln(16)) = 2 * ln(16)

Now we can divide both sides by (ln(8) - ln(16)) to solve for x:

x = (2 * ln(16)) / (ln(8) - ln(16))

Evaluating this expression will give us the value of x. Plugging it into a calculator or using logarithmic tables will help us determine the exact value of x in decimal form. Once we have the value of x, we can compare it to the choices given (a = 8 and b = -8) to determine the correct answer.