I'm having trouble memorizing my French vocabulary, so I decided to record my voice saying all the words and their meanings and then playing them over on my headphones. Is this is a good way of memorizing, will it help? Or can u give me other suggestions. Thanks :) :)

Yes, it might help you recall the words and their meanings.

Here might be another suggestion: the use of mnemonics for recollection of larger pieces of information. Check it out and see if this method is something you can use.

Recording your voice saying the French vocabulary words and their meanings can be a helpful method for memorization, as it engages both your visual and auditory senses. However, it might not be the most effective technique for everyone. Our brains learn and retain information differently, so it's worth trying out some alternative methods as well. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Flashcards: Create flashcards with the French word on one side and its meaning on the other. Review them regularly and quiz yourself on the translations.

2. Mnemonics: Create associations or vivid mental images that help you remember the meaning of each word. For example, you can associate the French word "chien" (dog) with the sound "she-in," imagining a sheep wearing a tin foil hat.

3. Contextual Learning: Instead of memorizing isolated words, try learning vocabulary within sentences or phrases. This way, you can understand how words are used in different contexts, which aids in retention and comprehension.

4. Practice With a Partner: Find a language exchange or study group where you can practice speaking French with other learners. Engaging in conversation helps solidify vocabulary in your memory while improving speaking skills.

5. Utilize Online Resources: Websites, apps, and podcasts dedicated to language learning can provide interactive exercises and quizzes. They often incorporate repetition and spaced repetition techniques, which optimize the learning process.

Remember, the key to effective memorization is regular practice and exposure to the language. Mix and match different techniques based on what works best for you. Good luck with your French vocabulary learning!