Marathon wheelchair division is 1hr 18min.and 27sec.

Marathon is 26.2 miles long. What is the average speed of the winner in the wheelchair division? round to the nearest hundred
help I don't get it.

time = 1 : 18 : 27

= 1 hr + 18/60 hrs + 27/3600 hrs
= 1.3075 hrs

speed = 26.5/1.3075 mph
= 20.26768 mph

To calculate the average speed, we need to divide the distance covered (26.2 miles) by the time taken (1 hour, 18 minutes, and 27 seconds).

First, we need to convert the time to a decimal format. Since there are 60 minutes in one hour, we can convert the minutes to hours by dividing by 60. So, 18 minutes is equal to 18/60 = 0.3 hours.

Next, we need to convert the seconds to hours. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, we can convert the seconds to hours by dividing by (60*60) = 3600. So, 27 seconds is equal to 27/3600 = 0.0075 hours.

Now, we can add up the converted hours: 1 hour + 0.3 hours + 0.0075 hours = 1.3075 hours.

Finally, we can calculate the average speed by dividing the distance (26.2 miles) by the time (1.3075 hours):

Average Speed = Distance / Time
= 26.2 miles / 1.3075 hours
≈ 20.02 miles per hour

Therefore, the average speed of the winner in the wheelchair division is approximately 20.02 miles per hour. Rounded to the nearest hundred, this would be 20.