6.which of the following groups of words is a clause?

A.to learn a new language
B.around the corner
C.waiting for the bell to ring
D.if the catcher dropped the ball(I PICK THIS)



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In writing a response to a work of literature, which of the following choices would be mosh helpful in supporting you judgments?

To determine which of the following groups of words is a clause, we need to understand what a clause is. In grammar, a clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. It can express a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence or be part of a larger sentence.

Let's examine each option:

A. "To learn a new language": This group of words is actually an infinitive phrase, not a clause. It does not contain a subject and a predicate.

B. "Around the corner": This group of words is a prepositional phrase, not a clause. It functions as an adverbial phrase, providing information about location.

C. "Waiting for the bell to ring": This group of words is a clause. It contains a subject ("waiting") and a predicate ("for the bell to ring") and expresses a complete thought.

D. "If the catcher dropped the ball": This group of words is indeed a clause. It contains a subject ("the catcher") and a predicate ("dropped the ball"), and it expresses a conditional statement.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. "If the catcher dropped the ball" is a clause.