In class we have to think of a testable question for our science fair project our teacher is making us write 5 things I like then write make it into a testable question . EX: she said she likes sledding

What is the effect of sled shape on sled speed ? I need help coming up with something I can make into a testable question . The sentence has to be set up like this : What is the effect of ____ on ____ . Help ?

What are the five things you like?

Sure! Coming up with a testable question can be a fun and interesting process. Let's go through the steps together:

Step 1: Identify what you like. Think of five things you like or enjoy doing. For example, let's say you like baking, playing video games, swimming, reading books, and painting.

Step 2: Choose one of the things you like. Let's pick baking.

Step 3: Identify two elements related to baking that you can potentially investigate. In this case, two elements could be the type of flour used and the oven temperature.

Step 4: Formulate a question using the "What is the effect of _____ on _____?" format. Here's an example: What is the effect of flour type on the texture of baked goods?

Step 5: Make it more specific and testable. Narrow down the question to make it easier to conduct an experiment. For example, you could modify it to: How does the type of flour used in baking affect the rise of bread?

By following these steps, you can come up with a testable question for your science fair project. Remember to choose something you are curious about and have access to resources to conduct your experiment!