if a car averages 11 1/8 miles to a gallon of gas, how many miles can it travel on 18 gallons of gas?

18 * 11 1/8 = ?

To calculate the number of miles the car can travel on 18 gallons of gas, we need to multiply the average mileage per gallon by the number of gallons.

First, let's convert the mixed number 11 1/8 to an improper fraction.

Multiplying the whole number 11 by the denominator 8 gives us 88. Adding the numerator 1 to this result gives us 89.

Now, we can express the average mileage as the improper fraction 89/8 miles per gallon.

To find out how many miles the car can travel on 18 gallons, we multiply the average mileage by the number of gallons:

(89/8) * 18 = (89 * 18) / 8 = 1602 / 8 = 200 1/4 miles.

Therefore, the car can travel approximately 200 1/4 miles on 18 gallons of gas.