A man walks 10km due south. The displacement of the man from the initial position is

10 km

A man walk 10km east and than 10km south fine the displacement of the man initial position

To calculate the displacement of the man, we need to consider the direction and distance.

In this case, the man walks 10km due south, which means he moves directly towards the south. If we consider the initial position as the reference point, the displacement is measured as the straight-line distance between the initial and final position.

Since the man is walking straight south, the displacement will also be southward. The displacement will be equal to the distance traveled, which is 10km, but in the opposite direction.

Therefore, the displacement of the man from the initial position is 10km southward (or -10km northward).

To find the displacement of the man from his initial position, we need to determine the straight-line distance between his initial position and final position.

Since the man walks due south, we know that his displacement is in the south direction. The magnitude of his displacement is simply the distance he walked, which is 10 km, in the south direction.

Therefore, the displacement of the man from his initial position is 10 km south.