As he looks up at us

with his fear glazed eyes
does he picture us buzzards
circling round his bed
waiting patiently
for his death and his bones?

I need to find an example of figurative language in this so I know that he picture us buzzards is sonething but I don't remember so please help

Are the buzzards speaking in this poem?

No it's basically about a man who is speaking who's brother is dying. So the dying brother sees his mother and brother as buzzards.

Also what language is used in this poem, like slang, formal etc?

No just his mother his brother

who could do nothing for him
when he sat with the living
and can do nothing now
as he crawls toward death

That's the rest of the poem

You'd have to consider the WHOLE poem, not just a few lines in it.

It's not written in slang.

So is it written in formal?

Also how is imagery used in this poem?

The example of figurative language in the given lines is the phrase "does he picture us buzzards." To clarify, figurative language is the use of words or expressions that are different from their literal meanings and are often employed to enhance imagery and create a vivid effect in writing. In this case, the word "buzzards" is not meant to be taken literally, but figuratively to represent something else.

To find this example, you can analyze the language used in the given lines and identify any words or phrases that have a symbolic or non-literal meaning. In this context, "buzzards" is used to metaphorically describe the narrator's presence and the feeling of looming threat or impending danger. The word choice implies that the person being described feels as if they are being watched or preyed upon, akin to a dying creature being circled by scavenging birds.

By recognizing the figurative comparison being made between the narrator and buzzards, you can identify this particular line as an instance of figurative language.