what is poin of view

point of view??

In art? or in literature? what?

idkkkkkkk my friend you on your own

Point of view refers to the way a story or narrative is told, determining the perspective from which the events are depicted. It refers to the vantage point from which the reader or viewer experiences the story. Point of view influences how information is presented, how the characters are portrayed, and how the reader or viewer engages with the story.

To identify the point of view in a text, you need to consider the following:

1. First-person point of view: In this perspective, the story is narrated by one of the characters using pronouns like "I," "me," or "we." The narrative is limited to the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of that character.

2. Second-person point of view: This is less common and involves the use of pronouns like "you" to directly address the reader or viewer, making them a participant in the story.

3. Third-person point of view: In this perspective, the narrator is an outsider, often using pronouns like "he," "she," or "they" to refer to the characters. It can be further categorized as follows:
a. Third-person omniscient: The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters and has a broader view of the story.
b. Third-person limited: The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of only one character, presenting a more restricted view of the events.
c. Third-person objective: The narrator only presents the actions and dialogue, without revealing any internal thoughts or motivations.

To determine the point of view, analyze the language used, pronouns, and the extent of access to characters' thoughts and emotions presented in the story. By understanding the narrative perspective, you can gain insights into the characters' perspectives, biases, and the overall storytelling approach.