is this correct and true?

Why did Jefferson send Lewis and Clark on an expedition out west?

1. To explore the Louisiana purchase
2. Find the northwest passage
3. To research the plants and animals of the Louisiana Purchase


ok, thnx oh and one more.

Why did Thomas Jefferson send Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the west? (no links please, i need to know why?)

other reasons why?

Damon already answered this for you.

oh yes sorry.

I really need help on my test can u help me plz.

Yes, the answer is correct. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition out west for multiple reasons, including:

1. To explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase: The United States had recently acquired a large amount of territory from France in the Louisiana Purchase, and Jefferson wanted to gain knowledge about this new land. Lewis and Clark's expedition aimed to map and explore the western portion of this vast territory.

2. To find the northwest passage: One of the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to determine if there was a navigable route, known as the northwest passage, that connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This route would have been a quicker trade route to Asia.

3. To conduct scientific research: Jefferson was a passionate advocate of science, and he hoped that the expedition could gather valuable scientific data about the plants, animals, and indigenous peoples of the Louisiana Purchase. Lewis and Clark were instructed to document their discoveries and collect scientific specimens.

So, all three options you mentioned - exploring the Louisiana Purchase, finding the northwest passage, and researching the plants and animals - were primary objectives of the Lewis and Clark expedition.