2x - 4y = 12

3x + 2y = 10

whats the answer

Do you know how to solve simultaneous equations? Multiply equation (2) by 2, then add eqution 1 to eqution 2. That process gets rid of the y term. Then solve for x. Substitute the value of x into either equation and solve for y. I hope this helps. If you still need assistance, post your work as far as you can go, then tell us exactly what you don't understand about the next step.

Me, I second DrBob222 reply.
I give up...what's the answer Me?

To solve the system of equations:

2x - 4y = 12 ---(1)
3x + 2y = 10 ---(2)

We can use the method of elimination to eliminate one variable and solve for the other. Here's how:

1) Multiply equation (2) by 2 to make the coefficients of y in both equations the same:
2(3x + 2y) = 2(10)
6x + 4y = 20 ---(3)

2) Now, add equation (1) to equation (3) to eliminate the y term:
(2x - 4y) + (6x + 4y) = 12 + 20
8x = 32

3) Divide both sides of equation (3) by 8 to solve for x:
8x/8 = 32/8
x = 4

4) Substitute the value of x back into either equation (1) or (2) to solve for y. Let's use equation (1):
2(4) - 4y = 12
8 - 4y = 12
-4y = 12 - 8
-4y = 4

5) Divide both sides of the equation by -4 to solve for y:
-4y/-4 = 4/-4
y = -1

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = 4 and y = -1.