The ratio of adults to children visiting a park is 3:5

one day 1740 adults go to the park.
how many children go to that park on that day?

3/5 = 1740/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To determine the number of children who go to the park on that day, we can use the given ratio of adults to children.

The ratio of adults to children is 3:5, which means for every 3 adults, there are 5 children.

We are given that 1740 adults go to the park on that day. To find the number of children, we need to find the corresponding number of adults and then use the ratio to find the number of children.

To find the number of adults, we can set up a proportion:

3 adults / 5 children = 1740 adults / x

Simplifying the proportion, we can cross-multiply:

3x = 5 * 1740

3x = 8700

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3, we get:

x = 8700 / 3

x = 2900

Therefore, on that day, 2900 children go to the park.