why should you quit/drink less or limit the amount of alcohol that you keep at home?

Wow! Is that a loaded question!!

It doesn't apply to the vast majority of households.

I don't know if you can access this (not sure if this information is free) but there is a review on the negative and positive health effects on alcohol consumption. Since I cannot post the link, here is the reference:

Grønbæk, M. (2009). The positive and negative health effects of alcohol‐and the public health implications. Journal of internal medicine, 265(4), 407-420.

You should be able to find it on Google scholar.

In case you cannot access it, the basic abstract states the following:

"In this paper, the negative and the positive effects of alcohol on health are reviewed. It is first of all established facts that a high alcohol intake implies an increased risk of a large number of health outcomes, such as dementia, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, cirrhosis, upper digestive tract cancer and alcohol dependency. Second, it is justified that alcohol has beneficial effects for some individuals, especially with regard to prevention of thrombosis of the heart. The public health relevance of these results is considered. The sensible drinking limits, used in both the UK and Denmark, of a maximum of 21 drinks per week for men and 14 drinks per week for women seem valid. A broader public health message of the beneficial effects of alcohol does not seem to be of interest in Western societies, where only a very small fraction of
the population are non drinkers and may have very
good reasons therefore."

It doesn't directly answer your question but if you were to look at it from a health outcomes standpoint, drinking too much could result in negative health outcomes.

Quitting or limiting the amount of alcohol you keep at home can have several benefits for your overall well-being. Here are a few reasons why you might consider doing so:

1. Health concerns: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various health issues, including liver damage, heart problems, and an increased risk of cancer. Cutting back or quitting can help improve your overall health and reduce these risks.

2. Financial savings: Alcohol can be expensive, and reducing your consumption or quitting altogether can save you a significant amount of money. Keeping less alcohol at home can help you resist the temptation to indulge regularly, leading to long-term cost savings.

3. Developing healthier habits: Limiting alcohol availability at home can be an effective way to break the habits associated with regular alcohol consumption. It encourages you to explore healthier alternatives, such as drinking more water, herbal tea, or engaging in non-alcoholic activities.

4. Reduced temptation and better self-control: Having alcohol readily available at home can make it easier to give in to temptation and consume more than you intended. By limiting the amount of alcohol in your house, you create a barrier that encourages you to be more conscious of your consumption and exercise better self-control.

To limit or quit drinking alcohol at home, you can consider the following strategies:

1. Set clear goals: Determine specific limits or goals for yourself, such as only keeping a certain amount of alcohol at home or abstaining completely.

2. Remove temptation: Remove any excess alcohol from your home. Consider giving away or safely disposing of any remaining alcohol to reduce temptation.

3. Create a supportive environment: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your goal of reducing or quitting alcohol. This can be friends, family, or support groups who can offer encouragement and accountability.

4. Find alternative activities: Discover and engage in activities that do not involve alcohol. This can include hobbies, exercise, spending time with loved ones, or exploring new interests.

Remember, if you struggle with alcohol dependence or addiction, it is important to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or a support group. They can provide personalized guidance and support to help you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life.