solve the inequality -3n<81

divide by -3:

n > -27

Note that multiplying by a negative value changes the direction of the inequality. It's just shorthand for moving things to the other side:

-3n < 81

add 3n:
0 < 3n+81

subtract 81:
-81 < 3n

divide by 3:
-27 < n

which is the same as n > -27

mainly what you are trying to do is get the n by itself.

To solve the inequality -3n < 81, you need to isolate the variable n.

Step 1: Start by dividing both sides of the inequality by -3. Remember to flip the inequality sign when dividing by a negative number.

(-3n)/(-3) > 81/(-3)

Simplifying, we get:

n > -27

So, the solution to the inequality -3n < 81 is n > -27.