how do the masses of elements relate?(similar/difference)

Please clarify the question. Generally, the mass increases as we go lower elements to higher elements in periodic table. There are a few exceptions.

The masses of elements in the periodic table generally increase as you move from the top to the bottom. This is because elements in the same period have increasing number of electrons and protons, which in turn leads to an increase in their atomic mass.

However, there are some exceptions to this trend. One example is the concept of isotope. Isotopes are different forms of an element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. These variations in the number of neutrons can result in different atomic masses for the same element.

Furthermore, there are also instances where the masses of elements may not follow a strict increasing trend down a group or across a period. This can occur due to the influence of electron configurations and the periodic trends in atomic structure. For example, the atomic mass of oxygen (O) is slightly higher than that of nitrogen (N), even though nitrogen is located to the left of oxygen in the periodic table.

To summarize, the masses of elements generally increase as you move from the top to the bottom of the periodic table, but there can be exceptions due to isotopes and the influence of electron configurations on atomic mass.