Coach Downey had his team practice bunting while working on basic fundamentals. Nearly all of the bunts were reaching the fielders so quickly that the base runners were easily thrown out before they could advance. Coach Downey emphasized better bunting fundamentals by having the players:

Decrease their arm force to increase the speed of the bat on the ball

Decrease their arm speed to decrease the force of the bat on the ball

Increase their arm speed to decrease the force of the bat on the ball

Increase their arm force to decrease the speed of the bat on the ball

Is it the second one?


No, the correct answer is the third option: "Increase their arm speed to decrease the force of the bat on the ball."

To determine the answer, we need to understand the relationship between arm speed and the force of the bat on the ball during bunting.

When the arm speed is increased, it allows the bat to make contact with the ball for a shorter period of time. This shorter contact time means there is less time for the force exerted by the bat to transfer to the ball, resulting in a decreased force.

Decreasing the force of the bat on the ball is desirable in this situation because it allows the bunt to travel a shorter distance, making it harder for the fielders to reach the ball in time to make the play. This increases the chances of the base runners successfully advancing.

Therefore, by emphasizing better bunting fundamentals and increasing their arm speed, the players can decrease the force of the bat on the ball and improve their bunting technique.