What genre is "The White Heron"?

literary realism
colonial literature

In my opinion, it is literary realism and romanticism

To determine the genre of a literary work like "The White Heron," you can employ a few strategies. First, it's helpful to consider the time period in which the work was written. "The White Heron" was written by Sarah Orne Jewett in the late 19th century.

Next, you can examine the characteristics and themes present in the story. Literary realism is a genre that strives to depict life as it is, focusing on everyday people and situations. If "The White Heron" presents a realistic depiction of rural life and explores the inner thoughts and feelings of its characters, it could be classified as literary realism.

On the other hand, if the story explores themes of nature, beauty, and the emotional experience of the protagonist, it may align with the genre of romanticism. Romanticism emphasizes individualism, imagination, and the connection to nature.

Considering the context and the themes present in "The White Heron," it is possible to argue that it combines elements of both literary realism and romanticism. Therefore, your opinion of it being both literary realism and romanticism is valid.