Which of the following statements about John C. Calhoun is TRUE?

a. He supported strong central government.
b. He opposed the War of 1812.
c. He was a close ally of Daniel Webster.
d. He supported slavery.


Might be C. I am going to ask Jake.

I believe it is C, but I am not completely sure.

This is a confusing question. He first supported a strong central government, but in later years supported states' rights. There's a better answer than a.

I don't know about c, but he definitely supported slavery.


To determine which of the statements about John C. Calhoun is true, let's analyze each statement:

a. He supported strong central government.
To verify this statement, we need to examine John C. Calhoun's views on the role of the federal government.

One way we can find information about his views is by looking at primary sources, such as his speeches, writings, or recorded statements. Additionally, biographies or historical analyses of Calhoun's political beliefs can provide insights.

By conducting a search using reputable sources, such as academic databases, historical archives, or books written by recognized experts, we can find reliable information about Calhoun's stance on the issue.

Based on the research, we find that this statement is FALSE. John C. Calhoun was actually an advocate for states' rights and limited federal government power. He believed in a system where states would have significant control over their own affairs, and he argued against the idea of a strong central government.

Therefore, the correct answer is NOT a.