Bianca and yoko work together to mow the lawn suppose yoko mows 5/12 of the lawn and bianca mows 2/5 of the lawn how much of the lawn still needs to be mowed?


To find out how much of the lawn still needs to be mowed, we can subtract the portions of the lawn that Yoko and Bianca have already mowed from the total lawn area.

Given that Yoko mowed 5/12 of the lawn and Bianca mowed 2/5 of the lawn, we need to find the remaining portion.

Step 1: Find a common denominator:
The least common denominator (LCD) of 12 and 5 is 60.

Step 2: Convert the fractions to have a denominator of 60:
Yoko's portion: (5/12) * (5/5) = 25/60
Bianca's portion: (2/5) * (12/12) = 24/60

Step 3: Subtract the portions from the total:
Total lawn area = 60/60
Remaining portion = Total lawn area - (Yoko's portion + Bianca's portion)
= 60/60 - (25/60 + 24/60)
= 60/60 - 49/60
= 11/60

So, 11/60 of the lawn still needs to be mowed.

49/60 of the lawn still needs to be mowed


what are those these nuts

10/60 of the lawn needs to be mowed.