how do you cite a Wikipedia in APA format?

I have to write a reference list and also i have to cite them in the paragraph. how do i do that. ~~>

Scroll down and follow the directions for an online encyclopedia.

You might also check out the section called Wikis.

To cite a Wikipedia article in APA format, you can follow the following guidelines:

1. Reference List:
Include the following information in the reference list:

- Author(s): Start with the last name and initials of the article's primary contributors (e.g., for an article with no specific author, use the name of the organization).
- Year of publication: Provide the year when the article was last updated or most recently accessed (in parentheses).
- Title of the article: Use sentence case, capitalizing only the first word and any proper nouns.
- Source: Write "Wikipedia" in italics.
- URL: Include the full URL of the article.

Here's an example of how the citation may look:

Author. (Year). Title of the article. In Wikipedia. Retrieved from URL

For instance:
Smith, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence. In Wikipedia. Retrieved from

2. In-Text Citations:
When citing Wikipedia in your paragraph, use a parenthetical citation. If the article has an identified author, use the last name and year. If there is no specific author, use the organization or article title.

Here are a couple of examples:

- Identified author: (Smith, 2022)
- No specific author: ("Artificial Intelligence," 2022)

Remember to ensure the in-text citation matches the first couple of words from the reference list entry.

It's important to note that while Wikipedia can be a source of information, it is generally recommended to consult scholarly and peer-reviewed sources for academic writing since Wikipedia articles can be edited by multiple contributors and may not always be completely reliable.

Additionally, consult your instructor or the official APA manual for further guidance as specific formatting requirements may vary.