In Korea, between 1750 and 1790, the slave population _______ as agricultural productivity increased. A. increased dramatically

B. decreased slightly
C. increased slightly
D. decreased markedly

I believe it would be increased dramatically

Yes, you are correct. During the period between 1750 and 1790 in Korea, the slave population increased dramatically as agricultural productivity increased. This was likely due to the increased demand for labor in the agricultural sector.

To find the answer to this question, we can analyze the information given. It states that the time period is between 1750 and 1790 in Korea, and it also mentions that agricultural productivity increased during this period.

Based on this, we can infer that as agricultural productivity increased, there would be a greater demand for labor to work on the farms. Historically, many agricultural societies relied on slave labor to meet this demand. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the slave population would have increased dramatically during this time period.

So, the correct answer would be A. increased dramatically.