Regarding trade and social change in Africa, which statement is true?

A. The West Africa Squadron succeeded in obstructing about 30 percent of the African slave trade.
B. The most important development in West Arica before European conquest was reliance on exporting salt. C. As late as 1750, Europeans viewed the slave trade as legitimate business.
D. The transatlantic slave trade coincided with a substantial decline of slavery within Africa.

I was thinking c.

I agree.

To determine which statement is true regarding trade and social change in Africa, let's analyze each option:

A. The West Africa Squadron succeeded in obstructing about 30 percent of the African slave trade.
To evaluate the accuracy of this statement, we need to understand the West Africa Squadron's role and impact. The West Africa Squadron was a naval force established by the British in the 19th century to suppress the transatlantic slave trade. Their aim was to patrol the coast of West Africa and prevent slave ships from operating. It is indeed true that the West Africa Squadron had some success in enforcing anti-slave trade laws and impeding the African slave trade. Therefore, option A is correct.

B. The most important development in West Africa before European conquest was reliance on exporting salt.
To assess the validity of this statement, we need to examine the historical developments in West Africa before European conquest and evaluate the significance of salt exports. While salt was an essential commodity in West Africa, particularly in the Sahel region, it is not accurate to state that it was the most important development before European conquest. West Africa had a diverse and complex trade network that involved various goods and resources, including gold, ivory, textiles, and agricultural products. Therefore, option B is not correct.

C. As late as 1750, Europeans viewed the slave trade as legitimate business.
To verify the accuracy of this statement, we need to consider the attitudes of Europeans towards the slave trade during the specified timeframe. In the 18th century, the transatlantic slave trade was indeed a significant aspect of European colonial expansion. However, it is important to note that opinions regarding the legitimacy of the slave trade varied among Europeans. While some European merchants and individuals engaged in the slave trade and viewed it as a legitimate business, there were also growing voices of opposition and criticism towards it. Therefore, option C is partially correct, but not entirely accurate.

D. The transatlantic slave trade coincided with a substantial decline of slavery within Africa.
To evaluate the validity of this statement, we need to analyze the relationship between the transatlantic slave trade and slavery within Africa. The transatlantic slave trade involved the forced transportation of millions of African individuals to the Americas as slaves. However, it is important to note that the existence of the transatlantic slave trade does not necessarily correspond to a substantial decline of slavery within Africa. While the slave trade did have some impact on African societies and contributed to fluctuations in the slave market, it did not lead to a significant overall decline of slavery within the continent. Therefore, option D is not correct.

In summary, the true statement among the options provided is A. The West Africa Squadron succeeded in obstructing about 30 percent of the African slave trade.