which one of the following activities can lead to poor posture

a.running for long periods
b.taking frequent naps throughtout the day
c.lifting heavy weights

my answer is c

can someone please help me thanks

I agree.

To determine which activity can lead to poor posture among the options given (running for long periods, taking frequent naps throughout the day, or lifting heavy weights), we need to understand the impact of each activity on our posture.

a) Running for long periods: Running can actually improve posture if done with proper form and technique. It engages the core muscles and promotes an upright posture. However, poor form or excessive running without adequate recovery can lead to muscle imbalances, which could affect posture negatively in the long run. So, running alone is not necessarily a direct cause of poor posture.

b) Taking frequent naps throughout the day: While taking naps does not necessarily directly lead to poor posture, frequently napping in unhealthy positions, such as slouching on a couch or bed without proper support, can contribute to poor posture over time. So, while napping itself may not be the direct cause, the position you sleep in during naps can affect your posture.

c) Lifting heavy weights: This activity has the potential to cause poor posture if not performed correctly. Lifting heavy weights without proper form, technique, and guidance can strain your back, shoulders, and other muscles involved in maintaining good posture. Improper lifting technique can lead to muscle imbalances, excessive strain, and injury, potentially causing poor posture.

Based on the information provided, lifting heavy weights (option c) is the activity that is more likely to lead to poor posture. However, it is important to note that poor posture can result from a combination of factors and not just one activity alone. Good posture can be maintained by practicing proper body mechanics and engaging in exercises that strengthen the core muscles and promote overall alignment.