What is the uncertainty of the concentration...0.00001?

Please explain how ...

Would the uncertainty be the same or different for 0.01?

To determine the uncertainty of the concentration, you need to look at the number of significant figures in the measurement.

In the case of 0.00001, there are 5 significant figures since every non-zero digit and zeros between non-zero digits are significant. The uncertainty in this case would typically be considered as half of the smallest digit, which is 0.000001. Therefore, the uncertainty of the concentration would be 0.000001.

For 0.01, there are only two significant figures since the zero before the one serves as a placeholder and is not significant. In this case, the uncertainty would still be half of the smallest digit, which is 0.005. Therefore, the uncertainty of the concentration would be 0.005.

So, in conclusion, the uncertainty would be different for 0.00001 and 0.01 because they have different numbers of significant figures.