What is uncertainty and how can I calculate it ?

For example, 0.001 +/- ?

Uncertainty refers to the lack of perfect knowledge or precision in a measurement or calculation. It expresses the range within which the true value is likely to lie, given the limitations of the measurement process or the variability of the data.

To calculate the uncertainty, you need to consider the level of confidence or certainty you desire. One common way to express uncertainty is by using the standard deviation.

To calculate the uncertainty for your example of 0.001 +/- ?, you need more information, such as the method used to obtain the value. Assuming you have a set of data points and you want to calculate the standard deviation, follow these steps:

1. Collect a set of measurements for the same quantity. Let's say you have collected a set of measurements for your quantity, and you have calculated their mean value to be 0.001.

2. Calculate the variance. For each measurement, subtract the mean from the value, square the result, and calculate the average of these squared differences.

3. Take the square root of the variance. This will give you the standard deviation, which represents the uncertainty associated with the measurements.

4. Determine the level of confidence. Based on your specific requirements and the nature of the measurements, you can select a level of confidence. This is typically expressed in terms of the number of standard deviations to consider.

For example, if you choose a 95% confidence level, you can multiply the standard deviation by 2 to get a range that includes approximately 95% of the measurements. In this case, the uncertainty would be 2 times the standard deviation.

So, in your example of 0.001 +/- ?, you would need the standard deviation to calculate the uncertainty. Once you have that, you can determine the desired level of confidence and multiply the standard deviation by the appropriate factor to obtain the uncertainty.