1. Arturo, ¿sabes cuál es ________ de la panadería?

Sí. Calle San Juan, número 234.
A. la carretera
B. la heladería
C. el cruce
D. la dirección
I said D

2. San Antonio es una ciudad muy _______, ¿verdad?
Sí. Hay muchos edificios y lugares antiguos allí.
A. mecánica
B. histórica
C. moderna
D. pública
I said B

3. ¿Prefieren Uds. ir al centro en coche o en autobús?
Preferimos ir en autobús. Nos gusta usar ________.
A. el transporte público
B. los teléfonos públicos
C. el semáforo
D. la milla
I said A

4. ¡Voy a llevar mi cámara a la obra de teatro esta noche! No es una buena idea. Creo que no _______ sacar fotos en el teatro.
A. se afeita
B. se venden
C. se habla
D. se permite
I said D

5. ¿Qué vas a hacer el sábado?
Voy a _________ en la panadería, la carnicería y la verdulería.
A. maquillarme
B. cruzar la calle
C. afeitarme
D. hacer las compras
I said D

6. ¿Está muy lejos la estación de bomberos?
Sí. Está a unos cinco ___ de aquí.
A. metros
B. kilómetros
C. distancias
D. carreteras
I said B

7. Perdone, señora. ¿____ periódicos aquí?
No, señor. Ud. tiene que ir al quiosco.
A. Se venden
B. Se permiten
C. Se afeitan
D. Se reparan
I said A

8. ¿Dónde está mamá?
Fue a la farmacia. Dijo que necesita ________.
A. crema de afeitar y unos labios
B. maquillaje y perfume
C. una máquina de afeitar y una escalera.
D. maquillaje y un mostrador
I said B

9. ¿A tu hermano menor le gusta ir al dentista?
¡Cómo no! él siempre le da _______.
A. seda dental y un lápiz de labios
B. un lápiz de labios y un cepillo de dientes
C. una máquina de afeitar y un cepillo de dientes
D. un cepillo de dientes y seda dental
I said D

10. Perdone Ud. ¿Se puede salir por aquí?
Lo siento. ésta es la entrada. _______ está a la izquierda de aquel mostrador.
A. El mostrador
B. La salida
C. La escalera
D. El servicio
I said B

I'll send this to Sra.

6. A kilometer is 1000 meters. Therefore a meter is shorter than a kilometer. The answer is A.

Everything else is perfect!


Thank you!

de nada


1. The correct answer is D. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks for the information about the bakery's location, and the response provides the address, which indicates that "la dirección" (the address) is the correct answer.

2. The correct answer is B. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks for an adjective to describe the city of San Antonio, and the response mentions old buildings and historic places, indicating that "histórica" (historic) is the correct answer.

3. The correct answer is A. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks about preferences for transportation to the city center, and the response indicates a preference for using a certain mode of transportation, which in this case is "el transporte público" (public transportation).

4. The correct answer is D. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The statement mentions bringing a camera to a theater, and the response suggests that taking photos in the theater may not be allowed, therefore "se permite" (it is allowed) is not the correct answer. The correct answer is "se permite" (it is permitted).

5. The correct answer is D. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The statement mentions going to the bakery, butcher, and greengrocer, which indicates shopping for groceries, so "hacer las compras" (do the shopping) is the correct answer.

6. The correct answer is B. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks about the distance to the fire station, and the response provides a unit of measurement (five), which indicates that "kilómetros" (kilometers) is the correct answer.

7. The correct answer is A. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks whether newspapers are sold at the location mentioned, and the response indicates that newspapers are not sold there, therefore "se venden" (they are sold) is not the correct answer. The correct answer is "No, señor. Ud. tiene que ir al quiosco" (No, sir. You have to go to the kiosk).

8. The correct answer is B. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks about what the mother needs from the pharmacy, and the response provides the items she needs, indicating that "maquillaje y perfume" (makeup and perfume) is the correct answer.

9. The correct answer is D. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks what the speaker's younger brother gives to the dentist, and the response provides the items he gives, indicating that "un cepillo de dientes y seda dental" (a toothbrush and dental floss) is the correct answer.

10. The correct answer is B. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The question asks for directions to the exit, and the response indicates that the exit is to the left of a certain counter, indicating that "La salida" (the exit) is the correct answer.