Can you help find the missing number to make it equal 180• if the equation is (6x+4)and(2x-16)

(6x+4) + (2x-16) = 180

8x - 12 = 180

8x = 192

x = 24

To find the missing number that would make the equation (6x+4) equal to (2x-16) equal to 180, we can set up an equation and solve for x.

Step 1: Set up the equation
(6x+4) - (2x-16) = 180

Step 2: Simplify the equation
6x + 4 - 2x + 16 = 180
Combine like terms:
4x + 20 = 180

Step 3: Solve for x
Subtract 20 from both sides:
4x = 160

Divide both sides by 4:
x = 40

Step 4: Substitute the value of x back into the equation to find the missing number
(6x + 4) - (2x - 16) = 180
(6 * 40 + 4) - (2 * 40 - 16) = 180
240 + 4 - 80 + 16 = 180
260 - 80 + 16 = 180
196 = 180

Therefore, there is no missing number that would make the equation (6x+4) and (2x-16) equal to 180. Instead, the equation is not satisfied for any value of x.