need help with this problem. -(2x-(5x+2)-2+(2x+7)

just work your way from the inside:


Oops: You have an extra left parenthesis.
Fix that and change the appropriate signs to continue on...

You have mismatched sets of brackets, that is,

the number of right-sided brackets is not the same as left-sided brackets. I will assume there is one final at the end.

-(2x-(5x+2)-2+(2x+7) )
= -(2x-5x-2-2+2x+7 )
= -(-x + 3)
= x-3

Sure, I can help you with that problem. Let's simplify the expression step by step.

The given expression is -(2x - (5x + 2) - 2 + (2x + 7)). To simplify it, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses.

Inside the first parentheses, we have -(5x + 2). To simplify this, distribute the negative sign to every term inside the parentheses:

= -5x - 2

Inside the second parentheses, we have (2x + 7). This expression does not require any simplification as it is already in its simplest form.

After distributing the negative sign, the expression becomes:

= -2x + 5x + 2 - 2 + 2x + 7

Step 2: Now, combine like terms. Like terms are the terms with the same variable and exponent.

Combine the x terms, which are -2x, 5x, and 2x:

-2x + 5x + 2x = 5x

Combine the constant terms, which are 2, -2, and 7:

2 - 2 + 7 = 7

So the expression becomes:

= 5x + 7

Therefore, -(2x - (5x + 2) - 2 + (2x + 7)) simplifies to 5x + 7.