What three rivers did Lewis and Clark use to get to the Pacific Coast?


To determine the three rivers that Lewis and Clark used to reach the Pacific Coast, we can look into historical records and accounts of their expedition. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research Lewis and Clark's expedition: Start by searching for credible sources that detail the journey of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Look for books, articles, or reputable websites that provide a chronological account of their exploration.

2. Explore primary sources: Primary sources such as journals, letters, and maps from Lewis and Clark's expedition can provide valuable information. These sources can offer firsthand accounts of the rivers they encountered and used as they made their way to the Pacific Coast.

3. Consult historical maps: Look for historical maps that depict the route taken by Lewis and Clark. These maps can provide visual guidance and may highlight the major rivers they encountered along the way.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the names of the three rivers that Lewis and Clark relied on during their journey to the Pacific Coast.