1. In the 1500s, if you were searching for a sophisticated cosmopolitan urban center of learning in the Senegambia, you would have traveled to Timbuktu in the Kingdom of

A. Kanem-Bornu.
B. Benin.
C. Songhai. (my choice)
D. Mali.

2. Historians divide the Thirty Years' War into four phases, starting with the Bohemian and ending with French phase. The different phases of the war represented

A. shifting alliances among European powers. (my choice)
B. the ascending dominance of the Protestant powers.
C. dissolved alliances following the Peace of Augsburg.
D. the ascending dominance of the Catholic powers.

3. Prior to the scientific revolution, who reconciled Aristotle's philosophy with Christian doctrine?

A. The pope
B. The natural philosophers
C. Thomas Aquinas (my choice)
D. Ptolemy

4.What was the Taghaza?

A. It was the site of a main salt-mining center. (my choice)
B. He or she was a member of the aristocracy.
C. It was the name given to a major peasant uprising.
D. It was a center of literacy and learning.

5. _______ maintained that all substance can be reduced to matter and mind.

A. Galileo
B. René Descartes (my choice)
C. Isaac Newton
D. Francis Bacon

6. The massive uprising of the serfs in 1733 upset the reform goals of

A. Catherine the Great. (my choice)
B. Peter the Great.
C. Emelian Pugachev.
D. Frederick the Great.

7. _______ became the most important industry in the Spanish colonies.

A. Mining
B. Fishing
C. Agriculture (my choice)
D. Cattle ranching

8. According to the work of Johannes Kepler, which statement is false?

A. The time required for a planet to orbit the sun specifies its distance from the sun.
B. Planetary orbits are elliptical.
C. The order of the universe is based on mathematical relationships. (my choice)
D. Planetary orbital motion is uniform.

9. All the following participated in the partition of Poland between 1772 and 1795, except

A. Russia.
B. France.
C. Prussia.
D. the Austrian Empire

If you're not cheating, then post what YOU THINK the answers are, and someone here will check them for you.

@Writeacher I think she already did that, it's says (my choice) after the answers :D

Then she'll need to wait for a teacher who is familiar with these history topics.


1. The answer is C. Songhai. To arrive at this answer, you would need to have knowledge of the historical context of the 1500s and the Senegambia region. Specifically, you would need to know that Timbuktu was a prominent center of learning and culture during this time, known for its libraries and universities. Then, you would need to identify which kingdom in the Senegambia region was associated with Timbuktu as its cosmopolitan urban center of learning, which is Songhai.

2. The answer is A. shifting alliances among European powers. To determine this answer, you would need to understand the progression and different stages of the Thirty Years' War. Historians divide the war into four phases based on significant changes in alliances and participants. The phases reflect the shifting alliances among European powers as the war progressed, making option A the correct answer.

3. The answer is C. Thomas Aquinas. To arrive at this answer, you would need to be familiar with the work of Thomas Aquinas, a theologian who sought to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy with Christian doctrine. Aquinas's ideas, commonly referred to as Thomism, were influential in the Middle Ages and played a crucial role in reconciling faith and reason. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

4. The answer is A. It was the site of a main salt-mining center. To determine this answer, you would need knowledge of historical and geographical contexts. Taghaza refers to a location in the Sahara Desert known for its salt mines during the medieval period. Given this information, option A is the correct answer.

5. The answer is B. René Descartes. To arrive at this answer, you would need to be familiar with the ideas and philosophies of René Descartes, a renowned philosopher and mathematician. Descartes proposed a dualistic view of substance, asserting that everything in existence could be reduced to matter and mind. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

6. The answer is C. Emelian Pugachev. To determine this answer, you would need knowledge of the historical event in question. The massive serf uprising in 1733 is associated with Emelian Pugachev, who led a rebellion against the Russian government and Catherine the Great. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

7. The answer is A. Mining. To arrive at this answer, you would need an understanding of the economic activities in the Spanish colonies. During this period, mining, particularly precious metals like silver and gold, was the most important industry in the Spanish colonies in the Americas. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

8. The answer is C. The order of the universe is based on mathematical relationships. To determine this answer, you would need knowledge of Johannes Kepler's contributions to astronomy and his laws of planetary motion. Kepler's laws describe how planets move in elliptical orbits, and his work emphasized the mathematical relationships that govern the order of the universe. Therefore, option C is the false statement.

9. The answer is B. France. To determine this answer, you would need knowledge of the historical events surrounding the partition of Poland between 1772 and 1795. During this period, Russia, Prussia, and the Austrian Empire all participated in the partition, dividing Poland among themselves. France was not directly involved in the partitioning of Poland. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.