Present Tense of Regular -ER Verbs, Affirmative

jouer = to play
(I play, I do play, I am playing)


je joue
tu joues
il joue
elle joue
on joue


nous jouons
vous jouez
ils jouent
elles jouent

NOTE: The personal endings of the present tense (le présent), of -er verbs are:
-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent.

The e of je is dropped if the next word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or silent h: J'arrive, j'habite.

The pronouns il, elle, ils, elles refer to both persons and things. On is translated: one, he, she, people, etc.

To summarize two or more nouns of different genders, ils is used.

Le crayon et la pluma tombent. Ils tombent.
The pen and pencil are falling. They are falling.


aider, to help
aimer, to like, love
chanter, to sing
chercher, to look for
commencer, to begin
compter, to count
danser, to dance
demeurer, to live, dwell
désirer, to wish, want
donner, to give
entrer (dans), to go (come) in, enter
étudier, to study
fermer, to close, shut
habiter, to live in
jouer, to play
manger, to eat
marcher, to walk
montrer, to show
parler, to speak, talkpenser, to think
pleurer, to cry
porter, to carry, wear
sonner, to ring
tomber, to fall
travailler, to work
trouver, to find

After you study the above and ask any questions you may have, I suggest you actually conjugate a few for proofreading, to be sure you have the pattern. Note that the English will have 3 possibilities and you might want to try that as well. Step by step we WILL get you ready!

Thank you so much for your help!My teacher is also working to transfer me into an advanced french two class instead of french three. What is your opinion about that? I'm not sure if an advanced course in any level would be good for me right now.

Discuss it with your teacher. Generally, they have the experience to know what to do in these placements.

Just be sure you can drop back with no penalty! When it comes to any advanced course, only you and your teacher can best decide. I haven't seen enough of your work to ascertain WHERE you should be but once you are there we will keep reviewing. Every year, even in Level V and VI I made my students begin with first year, then 2nd year, etc. because in a foreign-language you are building each day on what you have had before!

It's great to hear that you're studying the present tense of regular -ER verbs in French! To conjugate these verbs in the affirmative form, you follow a specific pattern.

Here's how you conjugate the verb "jouer" (to play) in the present tense:

- Je joue (I play)
- Tu joues (You play)
- Il joue (He plays)
- Elle joue (She plays)
- On joue (One/people play)

- Nous jouons (We play)
- Vous jouez (You play)
- Ils jouent (They play)
- Elles jouent (They play)

In the present tense of -ER verbs, you add the following endings to the verb stem:
- Je: -e
- Tu: -es
- Il/Elle/On: -e
- Nous: -ons
- Vous: -ez
- Ils/Elles: -ent

Note that the pronoun "je" drops the final -e if the next word begins with a vowel or a silent H. For example, "j'habite" (I live).

When using the pronouns "il," "elle," "ils," or "elles," they can refer to both people and things. The pronoun "on" translates to "one," "he," "she," "people," etc.

If you want to summarize two or more nouns of different genders, you would use the pronoun "ils." For example, "Le crayon et la plume tombent" (The pen and pencil are falling). In this case, you would use "ils tombent" (They are falling).

Some common -ER verbs you might come across are:
- Aider (to help)
- Aimer (to like, love)
- Chanter (to sing)
- Chercher (to look for)
- Commencer (to begin)
- Compter (to count)
- Danser (to dance)
- Demeurer (to live, dwell)
- Désirer (to wish, want)
- Donner (to give)
- Entrer (dans) (to go [come] in, enter)
- Étudier (to study)
- Fermer (to close, shut)
- Habiter (to live in)
- Jouer (to play)
- Manger (to eat)
- Marcher (to walk)
- Montrer (to show)
- Parler (to speak, talk)
- Penser (to think)
- Pleurer (to cry)
- Porter (to carry, wear)
- Sonner (to ring)
- Tomber (to fall)
- Travailler (to work)
- Trouver (to find)

Now, regarding your question about transferring to an advanced French two class instead of French three, it's best to discuss it with your teacher. Your teacher has the experience and knowledge to determine the appropriate level for your skills. Additionally, make sure there won't be any penalty if you decide to drop back to a lower level.

Ultimately, the decision to take an advanced course depends on your comfort level and readiness. Your teacher can guide you in making the right choice. Remember, learning a foreign language builds upon what you've learned before, so taking the time to review and solidify your knowledge is essential.