2. What do you learn about Ben price's character from his actions at the end of they story

a. He is a determined man who will stop at nothing to catch Jimmy

b. He is a forgiving man who is willing to let jimmy go

c. He is a jealous man who wants Annabel for himself

d. He is a slow witted man who doesn't even realize who jimmy is

3. Identify the simple sentence

a.In 1970, my mother graduated from Point Pleasant Boro High School

b. The gymnast swung around the bar, and the coach stepped on the mat

c. The tornado bypassed the town, but the townspeople remained in there shelters

d. The factory closed it forrs, and more than 200 people lost their jobs



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A Retrieved Reformation

By: O. Henry

To answer question 2 about Ben Price's character, we need to analyze his actions at the end of the story.

One way to determine this would be to carefully read the story or passage that you are referring to. Look for explicit details or descriptions that describe Ben Price and his actions. Pay attention to any dialogue or reactions that he has towards other characters. Paying attention to his reactions or behavior towards Jimmy in particular might give you a clue about Ben Price's character.

Another approach could be to observe any patterns or themes that are present throughout the story. Look for any recurring traits or motifs that are associated with Ben Price. By analyzing his actions in relation to these patterns or themes, you might be able to draw conclusions about his character.

For question 3, to identify the simple sentence, we need to understand what a simple sentence is. A simple sentence is a sentence with only one independent clause, meaning it has a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought.

Let's examine the options given:

a. "In 1970, my mother graduated from Point Pleasant Boro High School." This sentence has one subject ("my mother") and one predicate ("graduated from Point Pleasant Boro High School"). It expresses a complete thought. Therefore, this sentence is a simple sentence.

b. "The gymnast swung around the bar, and the coach stepped on the mat." This sentence has two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and." Therefore, it is a compound sentence, not a simple sentence.

c. "The tornado bypassed the town, but the townspeople remained in their shelters." Similar to option b, this sentence has two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "but." Therefore, it is also a compound sentence, not a simple sentence.

d. "The factory closed its doors, and more than 200 people lost their jobs." Again, this sentence has two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and." Hence, it is a compound sentence, not a simple sentence.

Therefore, the simple sentence is option a: "In 1970, my mother graduated from Point Pleasant Boro High School."