a tube containing 3 ounces of toothpaste is being used at at rate of 0.15 ounces per day. how much toothpaste will be in the tube after one week?

3 - (7 * 0.15) = ?

To find out how much toothpaste will be in the tube after one week, we need to calculate the amount of toothpaste used after one week and subtract it from the initial amount.

Initial amount of toothpaste in the tube = 3 ounces
Rate of usage = 0.15 ounces per day

To calculate the amount of toothpaste used after one week, we multiply the rate of usage by the number of days in a week:
Amount used in one week = 0.15 ounces/day * 7 days = 1.05 ounces

To find out how much toothpaste will be in the tube after one week, we subtract the amount used from the initial amount:
Amount remaining after one week = Initial amount - Amount used = 3 ounces - 1.05 ounces = 1.95 ounces

Therefore, after one week, there will be 1.95 ounces of toothpaste remaining in the tube.

I actually dont know