When the sale ended, there were 10 hardcover books, 26 paperback books and 6 CDs that didn't sell. The students decided to donate them to 3 area children hospital. If the items were divided equally, how many books and CDs will each hospital receive?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

26 + 6 + 10 = ?

?/3= number of books and cd went to each hospital

So if 26+6+10=? And you are try to find that out you add them that will be 102 then you divided by three you get your answer by the way I in 5 grade

To find out how many books and CDs each hospital will receive, we need to know the total number of items that were not sold.

The total number of items that were not sold is the sum of the hardcover books, paperback books, and CDs, which is:

10 (hardcover books) + 26 (paperback books) + 6 (CDs) = 42.

Since there are 3 hospitals, to divide the items equally among them, we need to divide the total number of items by the number of hospitals:

42 (total items) รท 3 (hospitals) = 14.

Therefore, each hospital will receive 14 items, which can include a combination of books and CDs.