Bobby read 20 pages of a book one week. he read 3 times as many pages the following week. how many pages did be read in the 2 weeks

3 * 20 = ?

Add that number to the books he read the first week.


To find out how many pages Bobby read in the two weeks, we need to add the number of pages he read in the first week to the number of pages he read in the second week.

In the first week, Bobby read 20 pages. Let's call this number "P1."

In the second week, Bobby read three times as many pages as the first week. Let's find out how many pages he read in the second week. We can do this by multiplying the number of pages he read in the first week (20 pages) by 3:

P2 = 20 pages × 3 = 60 pages

Therefore, Bobby read 60 pages in the second week. Now, to find the total number of pages he read in the two weeks, we add P1 and P2:

Total pages = P1 + P2 = 20 pages + 60 pages = 80 pages

Bobby read a total of 80 pages in the two weeks.