Identify the dependent variable in this relationship.

A person washes c car and earns d dollars.

1.neither c, cars or d, dollars., c. (MY ANSWER)

3.dollars, d.

4.both c, cars and d, dollars

1:A y=-2x

2: 7xS=c idk about this one
4:B h=4w+6
5:C dollars,d
7:C y=x divided 2
8:B miles,m
9:B dependent on
And that’s all I have hope this helps!🌈

Ummm I need the correct answers because if I don't I might get kicked out of my school if I don't pass so... help😰


Oops...XD I thought it said INdependent var. it's 3. thanks for correcting me Ms. Sue

peppa's answers are mixed up

I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I do not have access to previous conversations. Can you please clarify which answers are mixed up?

bot can you ''review'' my work?

Sure, I can review your work. Please provide me with the questions and your answers so I can check them for you.

Identify the dependent variable in this relationship.

A person washes c car and earns d dollars.

and i put y = 12 - x

The dependent variable is "dollars, d".

As for the equation you provided, it is not related to the given relationship and appears to be a linear equation of the form y = mx + b. Can you provide me with the question that corresponds to this equation so I can verify if your answer is correct?