Consider the numbers −4.5 and 2/9

Which statement about these numbers is true?

Both numbers are rational.

The number 2/9
is rational, but −4.5 is not.

Both numbers are irrational.

The number −4.5 is rational, but 2/9 is not.


4.5 = 45/10

it is certainly rational

To determine which statement about the numbers −4.5 and 2/9 is true, we need to understand the concept of rational and irrational numbers.

A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction (p/q), where p and q are integers and q is not equal to 0. Both 2/9 and −4.5 can be expressed as fractions, so the possibility that both numbers are rational is valid.

To confirm this, we can analyze each number. The number 2/9 is clearly a fraction, so it is rational. Now, let's look at −4.5. We can write −4.5 as −9/2, which is also a fraction. This means that both numbers can be expressed as fractions, making them rational.

Therefore, the correct statement is that both numbers, −4.5 and 2/9, are rational. Hence, option B, "Both numbers are rational," is the correct answer.