83) If ax + y = 6 and be - y =2, what is (a + b)x?

(I got 8)


Define the operation (symbol) for any two real numbers x and y such that x (symbol) y = x^2 -2y. What is the value of 6 (symbol) (2 symbol 3)?

( I got 40)

92) F(x) = 3/x

What is f(f(6) + f(4))?

(I got 12/5)

Very good, I agree with all your answers

Okay thank you

83) To find (a + b)x, we need to solve the given system of equations to find the values of x and y.

Given equations:
ax + y = 6 ---(1)
be - y = 2 ---(2)

First, let's solve equation (2) for y:
be - y = 2
y = be - 2

Now substitute the value of y into equation (1):
ax + be - 2 = 6

To simplify the equation, combine the x and constant terms:
ax + be = 8

Now, we have the equation ax + be = 8. Since we want to find (a + b)x, that means we need to find the coefficient of x.

So, the coefficient of x in the equation ax + be = 8 is a + b. Therefore, (a + b)x = 8.

Answer: (a + b)x = 8

90) The given operation is defined as x (symbol) y = x^2 - 2y.

To find the value of 6 (symbol) (2 symbol 3), we need to substitute the values of x = 6 and y = 2 (symbol) 3 into the operation and calculate the result.

Substituting the values:
6 (symbol) (2 symbol 3) = 6^2 - 2(2^2 - 2(3))
= 36 - 2(4) - 2(6)
= 36 - 8 - 12
= 16

Answer: 6 (symbol) (2 symbol 3) = 16

92) Given function: f(x) = 3/x

To find f(f(6) + f(4)), we need to evaluate the function at f(6) + f(4).

Substituting the values:
f(6) + f(4) = 3/6 + 3/4
= 1/2 + 3/4
= 2/4 + 3/4
= 5/4

Now, substitute the value of f(6) + f(4) into f(x):
f(f(6) + f(4)) = f(5/4)
= 3/(5/4)
= 3 * (4/5)
= 12/5

Answer: f(f(6) + f(4)) = 12/5