Imagine that you manage a car dealership affiliated with one of the big three U.S. automakers. Given the

increasing complexity and variety of today's automobiles, it's impossible to train your mechanics on the
details of every potential repair problem. Thus, in cooperation with corporate headquarters, you have a
training program whereby mechanics learn the basis of engine, emission, and other types of repair, but in
the case of a particular problem, seek expert advice through an online computer application program. This
approach is known as
A. an experiential behavior-modeling program.
B. a virtual-reality simulation training program.
C. e-learning.
D. an electronic performance support system.


Ms. Sue,

Thank you for helping me today. :)

You are very welcome, Blue.

The correct answer is D. an electronic performance support system.

To get the answer to this question, you can break down the options and think about what each one means:

A. An experiential behavior-modeling program refers to a training program that focuses on teaching skills through real-life or simulated experiences. While this approach may be useful in some cases, it doesn't quite match the situation described in the question.

B. A virtual-reality simulation training program involves using virtual reality technology to simulate real-world scenarios for training purposes. While this approach may be effective for some training needs, it is not specifically mentioned in the question.

C. E-learning refers to learning conducted online or through electronic means. This option is also not specifically mentioned in the question.

D. An electronic performance support system refers to a computer application program that provides immediate expert advice or guidance for specific problems or tasks. This matches the description given in the question, where mechanics at the car dealership seek expert advice through an online computer application program.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. an electronic performance support system.