Which of the following options for avoiding an expected labor shortage has the benefit of being a

relatively fast solution with high revocability?
A. Turnover
B. New external hires
C. Overtime
D. Retrained transfer

Yes, C.

To determine the correct answer, we need to evaluate each option and consider their attributes in terms of being a fast solution with high revocability.

A. Turnover: Turnover refers to employees leaving the organization voluntarily or involuntarily. While turnover can provide some relief by freeing up positions, it is not a fast solution, as it takes time to find replacements and train them. Additionally, turnover is not revocable, meaning once employees have left, they cannot be brought back quickly if needed.

B. New external hires: Hiring new employees externally can be a faster solution than relying on turnover, as it allows for quick replenishment of the workforce. However, this option lacks high revocability, as once new hires are brought in, it may be difficult or costly to release them if the labor shortage is resolved.

C. Overtime: Overtime involves requiring existing employees to work more hours than their usual work schedule. Overtime can be a relatively fast solution, as it does not involve the hiring process or training new staff. Moreover, it provides high revocability because overtime can be scaled back or eliminated once the labor shortage is resolved.

D. Retrained transfer: Retrained transfer refers to retraining current employees for different positions within the organization. While it can be a fast solution if employees can be quickly retrained, it may not have high revocability if the labor shortage is resolved and the organization still needs employees in their original roles.

Considering the attributes mentioned above, the option that aligns with the criteria of being a relatively fast solution with high revocability is C. Overtime.